How to ride a bike

I am going to show you how to ride a bike.First when you start riding a bike you need safety.Safety is really important because you can get really hurt.You need helmet and cover your knees and elbows. when you get all that the important thing you need to do is check your bike.If you don’t check the bike something bad can happen.So check the wheels,chain and pedals so you can be safe.Once you checked everything you are ready to go.Now you are ready to ride a bike,I am going to tell you how.First you need to know where you put your feet and hands.So do you see two things sticking out of the bottom of bike you put your feet there.Next you put your hands on the handles in front of the bike.Now this is where you start riding.When you are riding,ride in a open space because you can see what’s  coming at you.If you are in a tight space then you can’t see around you.Now you know how to ride a bike.

Turkey trap post/The Gobble trap

This is my partner and me presenting the Gobble trap

problem:My class and I had to make a turkey trap because there was a problem. The problem was that we forgot to get a turkey and now the store is sold out.

Materials:The materials that we had to use was newspaper,tin foil,masking tap,pipe cleaners,cardboard,and Popsicle sticks/craft sticks.

plan:I had a partner so the plan we did was to make a little circle thing so the turkey can put it’s beak’s wight.Next to where the turkey put’s it’s beak is a little wire attached to the circle.Attached to the wire is net with nine square’s

How does it work:It work’s like this.You first set it up on a tree then the turkey sees the nuts that you put on.Then it eat’s it and while it is eating you jump from behind the tree and the square in the middle put it over the turkey’s head.

orangutans and the forest

Today I learned a lot about orangutans.I am going to talk about orangutans.Orangutans eat fruit from the trees and when they eat the fruit they don’t just use the restroom when they are done.Later they use the restroom and the fruit that they eat have seeds.When they use the restroom they plant seeds.In the forest they are called gardeners.Thats why they are important to the forest.So don’t make orangutans extinct.

lone star college/Alexus

Today we talked to my teachers daughter about her college.She goes to Lone Star college.The classes she takes is English,math,and college algebra.She showed us a little bit around her college.She showed us there mascot.There mascot is a duck.She showed us the library and it was so big that there was stairs.Up stairs there was a tutoring class and books.

university of houston

In science we did an experiment with soda.The to sodas were different.There was diet coke and regular coke.The diet coke floated and the regular coke.We used water,vinegar,baking soda and raisins.First we poured in the baking soda then the raisins in the water.When we poured the raisins,the raisins made the water turn yellow.Next we poured vinegar.The water bubbled up fast then stopped.There was bubbles all around the cup. file_006-4


  • Yesterday me and my classmates did a breakout.A breakout is like a mysteries but it is not.We try to find a code to a lock.There were 5 lock’s in total.It was really hard at first but then got easy.First we started with a note then there was clues in the note.The clue’s in the note help us open a lock.There was 2 boxes.One box had 4 lock’s on it and the other had 1 lock.When we opened all the except for 1 I was figuring it out.Then I wanted to try out a code number for the lock.When I was putting in the code I there was 5 seconds left.My class mate where rushing me then I broke the code!I was really happy.screenshot-2016-10-13-at-2-45-44-pm

The field trip(What’s my color)

On Thursday my whole school went to a field trip.We had to walk but I was fine.When we got there the show was called WHAT’S MY COLOR.It was boring at first then it got funny.There was 2 parts.On the first part the 1 grader’s had to leave.The show was about A boy who was turning 10 and he had to find his color.screenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-37-16-am

blogging with fun Aaylin

My name is Aaylin and I am 9 years old. My favorite subject is math and science. My favorite color is blue. My favorite show is empire. My favorite holiday is Christmas  because I get presents. My favorite food is  hamburgers.I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers. Including me my mom has 7 kids.I have 2 pets 1 dog and 1 cat. I am happy doing this blog because it is fun.